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(19-レセ2-1) 超音波乳化吸引手術(Phacoemulsification and aspiration:PEA)を安全に進めていくうえでの重要なリスク項目をあげ,スコア化してチェックした。チェック項目は,①前房深度,②チン小帯強度③核硬度,④散瞳状態,⑤角膜状態,⑥患者・術者の要素の6項目で,点数方式で4段階に分け,6点から24点で採点した。チェックは執刀医が術前と術中に行った。297眼をチェックした結果,15点以下は術前と術中とも271眼(91.2%)を占め,そのうち1眼に合併症がみられた。しかし16点以上の21眼中7眼(33.3%)に合併症を認め,術式選択のうえで課題を残した。術者間による差は考えられるものの,リスクスコアチェックはPEAを安全に進めていくうえで有用と考えられた。
We introduced the concept of risk score in the preoperative evaluation of safety of phacoemulsification-aspiration cataract surgery in 297 eyes. Each of the 6 items was graded into 4 levels ranging from 6 to 24 points. They include : depth of anterior chamber, strength of suspensory ligaments, hardness of the nucleus, state of mydriasis, state of cornea and patients and surgeons. A total of 271eyes (91.2 %) received 15 points of less, of which only one eye developed intraoperative complication. Out of 21 eyes which received 16 points or more, 7 (33%) developed complications, suggesting the need of a more rationale surgical approach. The findings show the usefulness of risk scoring for a safer cataract surgery despite personal differences among surgeons.

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