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要約 目的:塩酸レボブノロール長期点眼のヒト眼底末梢循環に及ぼす影響の検討。対象と方法:健常者6名を実験の対象とした。年齢は28~56歳(平均33歳)であり,全例が男性であった。乳頭と脈絡膜-網膜の組織血流量の計測にはレーザースペックル法を用い,normalized blur(NB)をその指標とした。対照実験として,生理食塩水を点眼し,その前後のNB値,眼圧,血圧を測定し,これを各被検者の基準値とした。一眼に0.5%塩酸レボブノロールを,他眼に生理食塩水を1日2回点眼し,点眼開始前と21日後にNB値を測定した。結果は二重盲検で処理した。結果:基準値と比べ,21日目の点眼前の測定で,乳頭と網膜-脈絡膜のNB値が有意に増加した。眼圧は両眼とも基準値よりも下降した。血圧と眼灌流圧には変化がなかった。結論:塩酸レボブノロールの1日2回点眼を3週間続けると眼底の末梢循環が増加する。α1遮断による血管抵抗の減少がこれに関与すると推定される。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the long-term effect of topital levobunolol on microcirculation of the fundus. Object and Method:This study was made on 6 healthy male volunteers. Their age ranged from 28 to 56 years,average 33 years. Laser speckle method was used to quantitate the circulation in the optic disc and choroid-retina,with normalized blur(NB)serving as the indicator. Each test person was measured as to NB,intraocular pressure(IOP)and blood pressure before and after instillation of physiological saline to obtain baseline values. Test persons then received 0.5% levobunolol twice daily in one eye and physiological saline in the other for 3 weeks. The obtained data were processed as double-blind. Results:There were significant increases in NB values of optic disc and choroid-retina before instillation on day 21 of experiment. IOP decreased in both eyes. There was no change in blood or ocular perfusion pressure. Conclusion:Instillation of levobunolol for 3 weeks induces increased microcirculation in the fundus,probably due to decreased resistance of blood vessels by α1 blocking action.

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