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要約 目的:濾過胞感染により硝子体手術を必要とした症例の報告。対象と方法:過去11年間に緑内障に対する濾過手術の後,濾過胞感染により硝子体手術が行われた7例7眼の経過と特徴を臨床録により検索した。結果:男性4眼,女性3眼で,年齢は58~82歳(平均65歳)であった。1眼が有水晶体眼,1眼が無水晶体眼,5眼が眼内レンズ挿入眼であり,6眼が開放隅角緑内障,1眼が硝子体手術後の血管新生緑内障であった。濾過胞感染は線維柱帯切除術から3~84か月後,5眼では3年以上後に発症した。眼内炎発症時の眼圧は2~25mmHgで,濾過胞は4眼で消失,3眼で縮小していた。緑内障の病期は全例がⅢbで,術後最高視力は5眼が光覚弁から手動弁,2眼が0.5以上であった。術前の視力と眼圧は予後に関係しなかった。6例に全身または局所に易感染性の状態があり,3例は施設に入所中で,眼科を受診していなかった。結論:濾過胞感染は,濾過手術から長期間後に生じ,眼圧が上昇しないことが多かった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report clinical features of cases that needed vitrectomy for bleb-related endophthalmitis. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 7 eyes of 7 cases that received vitrectomy for endophthalmitis after trebeculectomy in the past 11 years. Results:The series comprised 4 males and 3 females. The age ranged from 58 to 82 years, average 65 years. There were one phakic, one aphakic and 5 pseudophakic eyes. Six eyes had open-angle glaucoma and one had neovascular glaucoma. Infection occurred 3 to 84 months after trabeculectomy in all the eyes and 3 years or over after surgery in 5 cases. Intraocular pressure(IOP)was 2 to 25 mmHg at the time of infection. The glaucoma was in stage Ⅲb in all the eyes. Final visual acuity was counting fingers or less in 5 eyes and 0.5 or over in 2 eyes. The outcome was not related to initial visual acuity or IOP. Six cases were in immunocompromised state. Three cases were living in nursing facilities and were not cared by ophthalmologist. Conclusion:Infection of the bleb occurred months or years after trabeculectomy and was not associated with elevated IOP.
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