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要約 目的:原因不明の網膜動脈分枝閉塞症が両眼に繰り返し発症した症例の報告。症例と経過:17歳女性が右眼の霧視と視野欠損で受診した。右眼の下耳側,上耳側,上鼻側の網膜動脈に塞栓様白点(white plaque)があり網膜動脈分枝閉塞症と診断した。7年前からの片頭痛以外に全身の異常所見はなかった。その3か月後に右眼下耳側動脈に白点が生じ,左眼上鼻側動脈が白線化していた。頸動脈の造影で,右眼動脈は内頸動脈からではなく外頸動脈から造影された。その10か月後に左眼の霧視が生じ,上耳側動脈の閉塞があった。さらに21か月後に右眼上耳側動脈,その11か月後に右眼下鼻側動脈に塞栓様白点が生じ,霧視と視野欠損が頻回に発症した。初診から16年後の現在,矯正視力は左右眼とも1.5であり,右眼眼底には動動脈間の側副血行路が形成されている。結論:網膜動脈分枝閉塞症様の発作が両眼に繰り返し発症した原因として,網膜動脈枝の塞栓,網膜動脈炎,網膜動脈の攣縮などの可能性があるが,本症例では原因は単独ではなく,これ以外の要因の関与が推定される。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of multiple and recurrent branch retinal arterial occlusion. Case:A 17-year-old girl presented with blurring and visual field defect in her right eye. Her right eye showed white plaques along inferior temporal,superior temporal and superior nasal retinal arteries. She was diagnosed with branch retinal artery occlusion(BRAO). She showed no systemic disorders except for migraine since 7 years before. A similar episode occurred 3 months later involving both eyes. By cerebral angiography,her right ophthalmic artery received blood supply via external cerebral artery. Another attack of BRAO occurred in the left eye 10 months later,followed by similar ones in the right eye after 21 and 11 months respectively. She has been doing well now 16 years after her initial visit,with visual acuity of 1.5 in either eye. An arterioarterial collateral has formed in her right fundus. Conclusion:Recurrent and bilateral episodes of BRAO in the present case cannot be attributed to known causes including embolism,inflammation,or spasm of retinal arteries. There is a possibility of involvement by multiple unknown factors.

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