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要約 目的:原発開放隅角緑内障(POAG)に対する1年間のタフルプロスト点眼が,視野,視神経乳頭の形状と微小循環に及ぼす影響の報告。対象と方法:広義のPOAG 25例を対象とした。無作為に2群に分け,12例には0.0015%タフルプロスト,13例には0.005%ラタノプロストを1年間点眼した。全例で眼圧,レーザースペックル法による乳頭の微小循環,乳頭の形状,視野を計測した。結果:眼圧は,投与開始後1~12か月まで,両群で有意に降下した。Humphrey視野計によるMD値は,タフルプロスト群でのみ有意に改善した。視神経乳頭の微小循環は,タフルプロスト群では上方と下方象限で有意に増加し,ラタノプロスト群では下方と耳側象限で有意に減少した。血圧,眼灌流圧,光干渉断層計(OCT),Heidelberg retina tomograph(HRT)Ⅱの所見には変化がなかった。結論:タフルプロストの1年間の点眼で,緑内障眼での視神経乳頭微小循環が増加する可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the one-year effect of tafluprost instillation on visual field, shape and microcirculation of optic nerve head in eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma(POAG). Cases and Method:This prospective study was made on 25 patients with POAG. These cases were randomly divided into 2 groups. Twelve cases received instillation of 0.0015% tafluprost. The other 13 cases received 0.005% latanoprost. They were followed up for one year regarding intraocular pressure(IOP), shape and microcirculation of optic nerve head as measured by laser speckle, and visual field. Results:IOP decreased 1 to 12 months after start of instillation in both groups. MD value measured by Humphrey perimeter increased significantly only in eyes treated by tafluprost. Microcirculation in the optic nerve head increased significantly in superior and interior sectors in cases treated by tafluprost. It decreased significantly in inferior and temporal sectors in cases treated by latanoprost. There was no change in blood pressure, perfusion pressure of the eye, or findings by optical coherence tomograph(OCT)and Heidelberg retina tomograph(HRT)Ⅱ. Conclusion:Topical instillation of tafluprost for one year may result in increased microcirculation of the optic nerve head in eyes with POAG.

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