

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Interrelation Between the Sense of Accomplishment and Sense of Affirmation of the Organizational System in Nurses Engaged in Disaster Medical Relief Operations Kimiko Hayano 1 , Kayoko Kawahara 2 Keyword: 達成感 , 組織体制 , 災害看護 , sense of accomplishment , organizational system , disaster nursing pp.2-15
Published Date 2009/12/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7008200152
  • Abstract
  • Reference


 This research was performed for the purpose of identifying the interrelation between the sense of accomplishment and sense of affirmation of the organizational system for relief operations in nurses engaged in medical relief operations in disasters. The research was performed based on a self-completed questionnaire survey mailed to 740 nurses from 75 institutions, who were engaged in medical relief operations in domestic natural disasters. The survey consisted of four questions concerning "Accomplishment" in "Human Resource Management(HRM)Checklist" and 11 items to assess the sense of affirmation of the organizational system and the attributes.

 A total of 591 nurses(79.9%)responded to the survey, with responses from 555 nurses(75.0%) assessed as effective responses. As a result, two factors, "sense of affirmation regarding the condition of operations" and "sense of affirmation regarding the preparations for starting operations," were extracted as the sense of affirmation of the organizational system. Nurses who had a highly affirmative sensation for "condition of operations" and for "preparations for starting the operations" had a significantly better "sense of accomplishment" than those who did not. Nurses who had less than five years of nursing experience had a significantly lower "sense of accomplishment" than those who had five or more years of nursing experience. Nurses who played leading role had a better "sense of accomplishment" than those who did not. Nurses who had training experience had a better "sense of accomplishment" than those who did not.

 The findings suggest that effective functioning of the organizational system increases the smoothness of local activities and affects the sense of accomplishment of nurses in medical relief operations in disasters.

Copyright © 2009, Japan Society of Disaster Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-0204 日本災害看護学会


