

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Development of a Competency Model Related to Nursing Activities after a Disaster: Categorization of Competency Components and Model Construction Related to Nursing Activities Immediately after an Earthquake Kimiko Hayano 1 , Kayoko Kawahara 2 , Mariko Ohara 3 , Kazumi Sato 4 , Hiroko Kuroda 5 , Chie Ishida 6 , Taro Kanno 7 Keyword: コンピテンシー , 災害看護 , 地震災害 , Competency , Disaster Nursing , Earthquake Disaster pp.18-36
Published Date 2010/12/31
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7008200086
  • Abstract
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 The objective of this research project was to identify the abilities necessary to properly judge situations and take appropriate medical actions under uncertain post-disaster circumstances in developing a competency model for nurses who acted as leaders and lead effectively. This study focused on determining competency components by categorizing leaders' actions and their thinking processes before taking actions that could be used as in building such a competency model.   Participants in the study were nurses from hospitals damaged by the Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake,the Niigataken Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake,and the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. They all took leadership roles in nursing activities within 24 hours after the earthquakes. Data were collected in semi-structured interviews conducted within a framework based on the results of our preliminary research. Using Krippendorff's Content Analysis as the basis,we categorized the competency components of principal concepts and constructed a competency model.

 Competency components were subsequently classified as :Information(19),Judgment(8) and Action(8). Secondly,three patterns of Information,Judgment and Action were identified.

 When taking leadership roles in activities within 24 hours after an earthquake,the nurses primarily used their knowledge about their patients,as well as their accumulated medical knowledge and experience and data on their hospital's equipment and other resources. They effectively utilized human and material resources and were efficiently engaged in nursing activities necessary to solve problems.

 Further study of the behavioral judgment process of nurses who take leadership roles and perform effectively in disasters can help in developing a more accurate competency model.

Copyright © 2010, Japan Society of Disaster Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-0204 日本災害看護学会


