

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Factors Affecting Life Satisfaction Among Older Adult Primary Caregivers of Elderly Family Members Sumi Ninomiya 1 , Hisae Nakatani 2 1Faculty of Health and Welfare Human Services of Nursing, St. Catherine University 2Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University Keyword: 老老介護 , 生活満足度 , ストレス対処能力 , SOC , 介護負担感 , older adult primary caregivers of elderly family members , life satisfaction , sense of coherence , care burden pp.469-476
Published Date 2023/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Objective: The purpose of this study to identify the factors that affect life satisfaction levels in older adult individuals who are the primary caregivers for elderly family members.

 Method: We visited and interviewed a total of 92 study participants consisting of home nursing recipients aged ≥65 years and their primary caregivers of at least 6 months who were also aged ≥65 years. Our survey contained questions on the participant's age, sex, duration of care, life satisfaction (LSI-K), perceived care burden (J-ZBI), mental health status (CES-D8), and sense of coherence (SOC; SOC13-5). We then performed multiple logistic regression analysis on the survey caregivers' life satisfaction as the dependent variable.

 Results and Discussion: The results of our analysis indicated that the primary caregivers with a high level of life satisfaction (LSI-K) had a higher SOC (SOC13-5) and lower perceived care burden (J-ZBI) than those with low life satisfaction (LSI-K), and that duration of care, perceived care burden (J-ZBI) and SOC (SOC13-5) were all involved in this outcome. That is, the higher levels of life satisfaction (LSI-K) seen in some of the primary caregivers in this study could be attributed to a high SOC (SOC13-5) that allowed them to properly cope with care-related stress, thereby reducing their perceived care burden (J-ZBI).

 Conclusion: Our study findings suggest that duration of care, perceived care burden (J-ZBI) and SOC (SOC13-5) are all important factors that affect the life satisfaction (LSI-K) of older adult primary caregivers.

Copyright © 2023, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


