

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Developing the "Evaluation Scale for Pathophysiology Teaching Activities in Nursing Clinical Practicum (EPTA-NCP)" for Nursing Faculty: Testing Reliability and Validity Kumiko Motoya 1 , Mikako Arakida 2 1Saitama Medical University School of Nursing, Saitama, Japan 2Kawasaki City College of Nursing, Kanagawa, Japan Keyword: 看護学教師 , 病態 , 教授活動 , 看護学実習 , 尺度開発 , nursing faculty , pathophysiology , teaching activities , nursing clinical practicum , scale development pp.477-487
Published Date 2023/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Objective: To develop the "Evaluation scale for Pathophysiology Teaching Activities in Nursing Clinical Practicum" (EPTA-NCP) for nursing faculty and to test its reliability and validity.

 Methods: A draft of 37 scale items was created based on the results of a qualitative study. A questionnaire survey was conducted on faculty members in their second year or more of teaching in the nursing specialty areas of adult nursing and gerontological nursing at nursing colleges, which was examined for construct validity, internal consistency, and criterion-related validity. The Testretest method was used to verify the reproducibility of the scale.

 Results: 385 valid responses (response rate 47.4%) were subject to analysis. Exploratory factor analysis yielded a 6 factor-structure with 23 items, while a confirmatory factor analysis yielded model fit indices of GFI=.899, AGFI=.858, CFI=.924, and RMSEA=.063. A significant correlation with external criteria was observed, with Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the overall scale at .911. Furthermore, in the Test-retest method, data from 80 valid responses (response rate 39.0%) were analyzed, and the correlation among scores was .911 for the overall scale.

 Conclusion: The reliability and validity of this scale were found to be generally ensured.

Copyright © 2023, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


