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近年欧米では,バセドー病臨床の発展と緑内障診断法の進歩から,この異常眼圧が再び注目されて研究がすすめられている。しかしながら,眼硬性を中心にしたWeekers4)らの研究もdysthy—roid ophthalmopathyとしての眼局所の特異性に考慮が払われていなかつたために,書き改めざるを得ない結果となり,現在にいたっても明確な結論が得られていない。
An investigation was conducted to clarify the clinical factors that result in the elevation of ocular tension in cases with clysthyroid oph-thalmopathy.
During the past three years, ocular hyperten-sion of over 20mmHg was detected in 23 out of 157 cases with dysthyroid ophthalmopathy. Further, there occurred a case of acute episode of glaucoma in both eyes a few days after thyroidectomy and two cases of suspected glau-coma. Precautionary measures were taken to avoid the possible elevation of lOP by upward gaze during measurement of ocular tension.

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