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要約 目的:受傷後早期の自覚症状が軽微であった眼内金属異物の3症例の報告。症例:3症例はいずれも男性で,年齢はそれぞれ33歳,30歳,49歳であり,2例は大工,1例はとび職であった。3例とも作業中に受傷を自覚し,その当日または翌日に眼科を受診した。所見:初診時の矯正視力はいずれも1.2であり,1例には結膜充血,2例には角膜裂傷があり,CT検査で2例に硝子体異物,1例に虹彩異物があった。摘出された異物は,2例では金属片,1例では鉄釘であった。結論:穿孔性外傷では,受傷後早期の症状が軽微な場合があり,多角的な検査が望ましい。
Abstract. Purpose:To report three cases of intraocular metallic foreign body with minimum symptoms immediately after injury. Case:All the 3 cases were males aged 30, 33 and 49 years respectively. Two were carpenters and one was a scaffolding man. All the 3 cases noticed ocular injury and sought medical advice the same or following day. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 1.2 each at the initial visit. One case showed conjunctival hyperemia only and two cases showed corneal perforation. Computed tomography showed foreign body in the vitreous in 2 cases and in the iris in one. Surgically removed foreign bodies were metallic pieces in 2 cases and iron nail in one. Conclusion:These cases illustrate that intraocular metallic foreign body may manifest minimum symptoms immediately after injury.

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