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要約 目的:眼科手術モニタ録画システムを2系統導入する際,導入前以上の付加価値を加え,実用性検証のため半年間実動した。対象と方法:一系統は,ハイビジョンカメラの信号を,レイド1構成ハードディスクに,民生機で変換記録,操作はタッチパネルとした。もう一系統は3Dシステムで,記録映像をMeshLabというソフトでCG化した。結果:2系統とも,2013年4月から大きな問題なく動作した。ハイビジョンシステムは,安全性などを確保できた。作成した3DCGでは,画像を多方向から見ることができた。結論:民生機で実用的な高付加価値記録ができた。3DCGは,手術の解析,教育などへの応用が考えられた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report high-vision and three-dimensional video camera system for eye surgery. Methods:One system was used for recording and conversion of high-vision imaging using a commercially available video device. We used a RAID 1 hard disk and a touch-panel device for operation. The other system was used for recording the three-dimensional image that was converted into a computer graphic one by means of MeshLab of open-source software. Results:Both two systems were put into actual use for 6 months until present. The images of eye surgery could be viewed from different angles by plural observers. There has been no major problem with the systems. Conclusion:Our high-vision and three-dimensional video camera system was a modification of commercially available one. It promises to be useful in recording and teaching of eye surgery.

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