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要約 目的:白内障手術前後の1.5%レボフロキサシン点眼液による無菌化の結果の報告。対象と方法:白内障手術を行った107例を対象とした。男性53例,女性54例で,平均年齢は74歳である。1.5%レボフロキサシン点眼液を手術の3日前から当日まで1日3回点眼し,手術の前後に結膜囊の細菌培養を行った。結果:点眼開始前の細菌陽性率は107例中60例(56%),投与後は4例(4%)で,60例中56例(93%)が無菌化した。術後の眼内炎の発症はなく,レボフロキサシンの点眼による副作用もなかった。結論:白内障手術の3日前から,1.5%レボフロキサシン点眼液の1日3回点眼で,結膜囊の無菌化率が向上した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the sterilization effect of instillation of 1.5% levofloxacin ophthalmic solution before cataract surgery. Cases and Method:This prospective study was made on 107 cases scheduled for cataract surgery. The series comprised 53 males and 54 females. The age averaged 74 years. Each case received 1.5% levofloxacin ophthalmic solution instilled three times daily starting 3 days before and until the day of surgery. Conjunctival sac was cultured before and after surgery. Results:Culture was positive in 60 out of 107 eyes before start of instillation. It was positive in 4 eyes(4%)after instillation, showing rate of sterilization in 56 out of 60 eyes(93%). There was no case of endophthalmitis after surgery or complication of levofloxacin instillation. Conclusion:Instillation of 1.5% levofloxacin three times daily starting 3 days before cataract surgery resulted in increased sterilization of conjunctival sac.
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