

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


INTERHEMISPHERIC ASSOCIATION DISTURBANCES DUE TO LESIONS OF THE CORPUS CALLOSUM: (CALLOSAL DISCONNEXION SYNDROME) Makoto Iwata 1 1Department of Neurology, Institute of Brain Research, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University pp.291-303
Published Date 1974/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203513
  • Abstract
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Recent advances in the studies of the corpus callosum and of the callosal disconnexion syndrome were reviewed.

We proposed the following classification of variousinterhemispheric association disturbances due to either surgical or non-surgical lesions of the corpus callosum.

I. Symmetrical interhemispheric disconnexion syndrome

(a) Disturbances of interhemispheric sen- sory transfer

(i) homologous sensory informations

1. tactile-tactile matching disturbance

2. position-position matching distur- bance

signe de la main étrangère (Jedynak)

desynchronization of the bilateral symmetrical movements

3. localization-localization matching disturbance

(ii) heterogenous sensory informations

(b) Disturbances of interhemispheric sen- sory-motor associations

1. visual-motor association disturbance (crossed optic ataxia)

2. loss of learning transfer

II. Interhemispheric disconnexion syndrome of the non-dominant hemisphere

(a) Verbalization disturbances of sensory informations

1. tactile naming disturbance (of ob- jects and letters)

2. visual naming distrubance (of ob- jects, colors and letters)

3. olfactory naming disturbance

4. dichotic listening

(b) Expressive disturdances of verbal in- formations

1. ideo-motor apraxia of the non- dominant hemispheric limbs

2. agraphia of the non-dominant hem- ispheric limbs

III. Interhemispheric disconnexion sydrome of the dominant hemisphere

1. constructional apraxia of the domi- nant hemispheric limbs

2. prosopognostic disturbance in the dominant hemispheric visual field

3. other disturbances of visual-spatial functions

acalculie spatiale (Jedynak)

disturbances of the part-whole relationship perception and figural unification (Nebes)

Semiological analyses of the cases with partial lesions of the corpus callosum made it possible to isolate a posterior callosal syndrome characterized by letter naming loss in the left visual field, fre-quently associated with color naming loss in the same visual field. On the other hand, syndrome of the anterior portion of the corpus callosum con-sists of ideo-motor apraxia, agraphia and tactile naming disturbance of the left hand and the dis-turbances of interhemispheric tactile-tactile and position-position matching.

Some clinical characteristics of the neurological disorders affecting the corpus callosum were dis-cussed. We have stressed the importance of the studies in callosal disconnexion syndrome in order to elucidate the problems of functional asymmetry of the two cerebral hemispheres and thire behav-ioural independence.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


