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臨床的には,Vidian neurectomyにより鼻過敏症の症状が緩解するという報告は多い。ところで,薬物療法は多くあるのだが,自律神経遮断薬を臨床的に投与し,鼻症状に与える影響を検討した報告は少数に過ぎない1,2)。そこで今回我々は①コリン系薬剤であるメタコリンを用いて鼻粘膜の過敏性②副交感神経遮断剤であるipratropiunnbromideのメタコリン誘発鼻汁と抗原誘発鼻汁に及ぼす影響および③ipratropium bromideの臨床効果を検討し,若干の知見を得たので報告する。
The purpose of this study is to examine the nasal reactivity of patients with hyperesthetic rhinitis, and the effects of parasympatholytic ipratropium bromide spray.
The amount of nasal secretion in a group of patients whom 6 mg of methacholine solution was sprayed in the nasal cavity, was much greater than that of control. Ipratropium bromide had a significant inhibitory effect on methacholine induced and allergen induced hypersecretion. This inhibitory effect on allergen induced hypersecretion was assumed to be due to inhibition of cholinergic receptor on mast cells and the nasal glands. When ipratropium bromide was sprayed in patients for one week, this drug had no effect on sneezing attacks but the significant effect on nose blowing and nasal blockage.

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