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SASAKI AND MIYATA report a case of me-ningitis of otic origin which responded with recovery by use of aureomycin after other means of treatment seemed to have completely failed, A man aged 27 affected with chronic cholesteatomatous otitis media developed meningitis which was caused dy staphylococcus albus and non-hemolytic streptococcus. A radical mastoidectomy was performed for draina-ge of the meningeal abcess and to facilitate that dr-ainage a glass tube was employed instead of the usual rubber dams, Penicillin was used 9,150,000 units intramuscularly, in the operative wound as well as the abcess cavity of the meninges. The bacteria which was recovered and isolated showed resistance to penicillin 20 to 30 times more those otherwise obtained. The patient appeared hopeless but when aureomycin was given by mcutn in doses of 250 mg every 4 hours he soon showed signs of improve-ments and, in 12 days when the total amount of the agent. 13,25 g, was administered ten patient was completely recovered.

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