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(26A-16) 後発白内障の混濁を定量化し,視力への影響を検討した。対象は後発白内障のため後嚢切開術を必要とした35眼で、年齢は平均67.1歳であった。前眼部画像解析装置を用いて,細隙灯像から混濁の濃度を求め,徹照像から瞳孔4mm径の混濁部の面積を測定した。混濁の濃度は対照群よりも有意に高く,混濁濃度または混濁面積が大きい症例でグレア視力の低下が顕著であった。
We quantitated the opacity of aftercataract and evaluated its relation to the visual acuity. We selected 35 eyes which had to be treated by posterior capsulotomy for aftercataract. The ages averaged 67.1 years. The slitlamp images of the lens were processed into density values by an anterior eye segment analysis system. The area of lens opacity was similarly quantitated from retroillumination images 4mm in pupil diameter. The density of opacity was significantly higher in the series than in controls. Glare disability increased in proportion to the density or area of opacity.

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