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euthyroid Graves' ophthalmopathy 9例および,ophthalmopathyを有するGraves' disease 13例に対してTSH receptor antibody(TRAb),thyroid stimulating antibody(TSAb)の2つのTSHレセプター抗体活性を測定し,euthyroid Graves' ophthalmopathyの診断に対するこれらの抗体活性測定の有用性について検討した。euthyroid Graves' ophthalmopathy 9例中,TRAbは2例のみ陽性でTSAbは全例陽性であった。Graves' disease 13例ではTRAbは11例で,TSAbは全例陽性であった。より高感度な検査であるTSAbの活性測定は,これまで確定診断が困難であったeuthyroid Graves' ophthalmopathyの診断の一助となるものと考えられる。
We examined 9 patients with euthyroid Graves' ophthalmopathy (group A) and 13 patients with Graves' disease (group B) regarding the thyroidstimulating hormone receptor antibody (TRAb)and thyroid stimulating antibody (TSAb). In groupA, TRAb activity was detectable in 2 cases andTSAb activity was detected in all. In group B, TRAb activity was detectable in 11 and TSAb wasdetected in all. This finding indicates that the assayof TSAb is more sensitive than TRAb. Measurement of TSAb activity would thus facilitate thediagnosis of euthyroid Graves' ophthalmopathy.

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