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脈絡膜欠損に合併した網膜剥離に対して硝子体手術を行い,復位の得られた2症例につき報告した。症例1は34歳男性で,SF6注入,光凝固,硝子体手術,最終的にsilicone oil注入により安定している。症例2は36歳男性で,小眼球に網膜剥離を合併していた。硝子体手術,SF6注入,光凝固により復位した。
We could induce reattachment in two eyes withchoroidal coloboma complicated by retinal detach-ment. In the first case, a 34-year-old male, weperformed intravitreal injection of sulfer fluoride,photocoagulation, vitrectomy and silicone oll injec-tion. Microphthalmos was present in the secondcase, a 36-year-old male. Retinal reattachment wasinduced after vitrectomy, intravitreal sulfer fluo-ride and photocoagulation. Retinal break was locat-ed in the area of choroidal coloboma in both cases.We advocate removal of vitreoretinal traction byvitrectomy and photocoagulation along the marginof coloboma.

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