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We developed a simple test to evaluate tear fluidclearance. We performed Schirmer test 5 minutesafter instilling a drop of solution containing 0.5%fluorescein and 0.4% oxybupurocaine hydrochlor-ide in the cul-de-sac. Tear fluid clearance wasexpressed by the color of fluorescein on the paperstrip and was graded as lx, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x etc. Thistest was perfomed in 119 patients with dry eyesyndrome and in 16 healthy subjects as control.
The tear fluid clearance averaged 5.1x in patientswith dry eye syndrome and 13.6 in controls. Schir-mer test showed staining by 10 mm or more in 57dry eye patients, 26%. The average of tear fluidclearance in these patients were significantly lowerthan in controls (p<0.01). This jest seemed to be ofvalue as it was quantitative as in Schirmer test butwas also qualitative regarding the tear fluid in theconjunctival sac.

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