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アクリルレンズの眼内挿入術後にレンズ内に発生するglistening particle (輝点)の発生程度およびその頻度,発生時期,視機能への影響を調査した。視機能への影響は,視力,グレア,コントラストを指標にした。また,実験的に,レンズを37℃の温水につける浸水実験を行い,輝点の発生を試みた。術後経過では,調査を行った115眼のうち,輝点(直径10μm)が見られたのは45眼(39%)であったが,術後期間別にみると,術後1か月目までに輝点が発生した症例はなく,術後6か月目以後の症例の約50%に発生がみられた。輝点の視機能への影響はなかった。浸水実験では,温水に温度変化を与えたところ,多数のmicrovacuoles (直径20μm)が発生した。このmicrovacuolesが発生しているレンズを乾燥させたところ,microvacuolesは消失した。Microvacuoiesは水泡であり,材質の変性ではないと考えられた。
We reviewed 115 eyes which underwent implantation of acrylic intraocular lens. We paid particular attention to glistening particles on the lens. Glistening particles were about 10 gm in size and developed in 45 eyes, 39%. There was no instance in which the particles developed within one month after surgery. It was present in about 50% of cases when observed 6 months or more after surgery. The particles did not interfere with the visual acuity. When the intraocular lens was kept immersed in water at 37 degrees and then the temperature decreased to 25 degrees, numerous glistening particles were seen to develop by microscopic observation. The particles disappeared when the immersing fluid returned to 37 degrees or when the lens was desiccated. The findings seemed to show that the glistening particles were just water bubbles and were not caused by degradation of lens material.

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