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要約 目的:アクリル製の球面および非球面眼内レンズ(IOL)挿入眼の高次波面収差の解析と検討。対象および方法:対象は超音波水晶体乳化吸引術および眼内レンズ挿入術を行った症例のうち,球面レンズを用いた37眼および非球面レンズを用いた36眼。高次波面収差測定で得られた全屈折をZernike多項式に展開してコマ様収差,球面様収差,全高次収差を定量的に解析し,そのRMS(root mean square)を比較した。瞳孔径は4.0mmに設定した。結果:術後の全高次収差およびコマ様収差は両レンズとも有意な改善がみられたが,球面様収差は非球面レンズでのみ有意な改善があった(p<0.01)。結論:非球面レンズは球面レンズに比べ,加齢に伴う球面収差増加をより若年者の正常の状態に近づける可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To compare higher-order wavefront aberrations in eyes implanted with acrylic spheric and aspheric intraocular lens(IOL). Cases and Method:Phacoemulsification-aspairation was performed on 73 eyes. Spheric IOL was implanted in 37 eyes. Spheric IOL was implanted in 36 eyes. These eyes were evaluated by a wavefront analyzer with the pupil diameter of 4mm. Higher-order aberrations were expanded into Zernike's polynominal expression. Coma, spherical aberration, and total higher-order aberrations were evaluated as root mean square. Results:Postoperatively, coma and total higher-order aberration improved in eyes with spheric and aspheric IOL. Spheric aberration improved in eyes with aspheric IOL only(p<0.001). Conclusion:Aspheric IOL may reduce the spheric aberration due to aging better than spheric IOL.

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