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小切開対応foldable intraocular lens (IOL)と小径PMMA IOLの術後視力,乱視,角膜形状変化,コントラスト感度,IOLの偏位,角膜内皮細胞密度および前房フレア値について検討した。
術後早期の視力はfoldable IOLが良好であった。foldable IOLの乱視は術後早期から安定し,軽度だった。しかし,術後1か月後にはPMMA IOLと差がなくなった。コントラスト感度はシリコーン眼では中・高周波領域で低かった。IOL偏位は術後シリコーン眼で増加した。術翌日の前房フレア値はfoldable IOLがPMMA IOLに比べ少なかった。またフレア値の再上昇はアクリルソフトIOLではなかった。
We performed cataract surgery with foldable intraocular lens (IOL) made of silicone and acrylic IOL made of PMMA in 30 eyes each. We evaluated the postoperative visual acuity, refraction, corneal topography, contrast sensitivity, decentration of IOL, corneal endothelial cells and anterior aqueous flare. Visual acuity during the early operative stage was better in foldable IOLs. Astigmatism in the foldable IOL group was lesser in amount and became stable in the early postoperative stage. There was no difference in astigmatism between the two types of IOL at one month after surgery. Contrast sensitivity was less in the medium to high frequency ranges in the foldable IOL group. Decentration of IOL increased in the foldable IOL group. Aqueous flare at the first postoperative day was less in eyes receiving silicone thas acrylic IOLs. Here was no reincrease in flare value in eyes receiving acrylic IOLs. All the parameters were more stable in eyes implanted with acrylic than silicone IOLs.

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