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眼内レンズ(IOL)の形状が後嚢混濁の発生にどのように関与するかについて形態的に観察した。観察方法は,Convex-plano type IOL (前面凸)30眼とPlano-convex type IOL (後面凸)30眼について後嚢混濁の程度と部位,視力と%glare disabilityの関係,後嚢混濁の形態である。
その結果IOLの光学部の形状によって,P-CIOL の後嚢混濁面積は術後経日的に増加したがConvex-plano type IOLに比較し軽度であり,後嚢混濁部位は中心部に多かった。C-P IOLの%glare disabilityは術後1か月で上昇しはじめ,術後3か月で顕著となった。
We evaluated the site and severity of secondary cataract in pseudophakic eyes in relation to visual acuity and glare disability in 30 eyes each after insertion of convex-plano and plano-convex types of intraocular lens.
Percentage glare disability began to increase 1month after convex-plano lens. It became more mainfest after 3 months. In eyes after plano-convex lens implantation, opacification of the posterior capsule showed similar trends, with the difference that the opacification was milder and was less intense in the central area with less pronounced glare disability.

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