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小切開白内障手術用眼内レンズであるアクリルソフトMA60BM (アルコン社,83眼)とハイドロジェルH60M (ボシュロム社,88眼)の術後早期成績を比較検討した。術後3か月まででは視力,眼圧は差がなかった。角膜内皮細胞はハイドロジェル群のほうが減少していたが,有意な差はなかった。前房内フレア値は術後1日,1か月でハイドロジェル群が増加しており,術後1か月で統計学的有意差があった。術後屈折誤差は両群とも差がなく,軽度近視化していた。眼内レンズの傾斜,偏心はアクリル群に比べ,ハイドロジェル群のほうが少なかった。ハイドロジェルレンズの評価には今後,後発白内障,術後炎症などの長期経過観察が必悪である。
We reviewed 171 eyes which received either of two types of intraocular lens (IOL). All the eyes underwent phacoemulsification-aspiration with small cornal incision. One group of 83 eyes received acrylic IOL (MA60BM, Alcon) . The other group of 88 eyes received hydrogel IOL (H60M, Bausch & Lomb). All the eyes were followed up for 3 months postoperatively. No significant difference was present between the two groups regarding postoperative visual acuity, intraocular pressure, or corneal endothelial cell population. Hydrogel IOL group showed significantly higher aqueous flare values than acrylic IOL group at 1 month of surgery (p<0.05). Both groups showed similar shifts toward myopia at 1 month of surgery. The dislocation and tilting of IOL were lower in hydrogel IOL group than in acrylic IOL group. The findings show that hydrogel IOL is as effective as acrylic IOL. Final evaluation awaits observation for longer periods.

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