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要約 目的:小口病は常染色体劣性(潜性)の遺伝性網膜疾患で,広義の先天停在性夜盲に分類される。今回,筆者らは小児期に夜盲を契機に小口病と診断され,およそ30年後に網膜の変性が進行して視機能の悪化がみられた症例を経験したので報告する。
症例:36歳,男性。視力低下を指摘され6歳時に近医眼科を受診した。右遠視性不同視弱視と,網膜周辺部に金箔様反射を指摘された。夜盲の自覚もあり,同年浜松医科大学附属病院を紹介され受診した。矯正視力は,右0.2,左0.9で,視野に異常はなく,網膜電図で陰性型波形を認め,水尾・中村現象が陽性であったことから小口病と診断した。弱視治療によって12歳時には矯正視力は右0.4,左1.5まで改善したが,その後は通院を自己中断していた。36歳時に視力低下を訴え受診した。矯正視力は,右0.6,左1.0。眼底には金箔様反射に加えて網膜色素上皮の萎縮がみられ,光干渉断層計ではellipsoid zoneの消失と外顆粒層の菲薄化がみられた。視野検査にて輪状暗点が観察され,網膜電図では杆体反応の消失に加え錐体反応の減弱がみられた。遺伝子検査にて,SAG遺伝子にc.926delをホモ接合体で認めた。
Abstract Purpose:Oguchi's disease, classified as congenital stationary night blindness, is an inherited autosomal recessive retinal disease. This study aimed to report the case of a patient with Oguchi's disease who developed progressive retinal degeneration and deterioration of visual function after 30 years.
Case:A 36-year-old man was diagnosed with anisohypermetropic amblyopia at the age of 6. At that time, he had been aware of night blindness, and golden fundus discoloration was seen at the retinal periphery. Best corrected visual acuity(BCVA)was 0.2 in the right eye and 0.9 in the left eye. The visual field test was normal. Electroretinography(ERG)showed a negative pattern waveform, and the Mizuo-Nakamura phenomenon was seen. Therefore, he was diagnosed with Oguchi's disease. By the time he was 12 years old, BCVA had improved to 0.4 in the right eye and 1.5 in the left eye with treatment for amblyopia. However, he stopped visiting our hospital thereafter. At the age of 36 years, the BCVA was 0.6 in the right and 1.0 in the left eye. Optical coherence tomography showed loss of the ellipsoid zone and thinning of the outer retinal layer. The visual field test showed ring scotoma, and ERG revealed a loss of rod response and a weakening of the cone response. Genetic testing showed c.926del homozygous in the SAG gene.
Conclusion:The prognosis of Oguchi's disease remains unclear and more cases need to be assessed. Progressive deterioration of visual function and retinal degeneration may be seen in some cases. Therefore, it is necessary to counsel patients with Oguchi's disease regarding the possibility of its progression.

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