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A 18-year-old male developed loss of vision in the left eye 3 months ago. The vitreous cavity was filled by proliferated masses with the visual acuity reduced to light perception. Two small high-density areas were detected by CT scanning. The diagnosis of intraocular tumor was made but the patient failed to be seen by us until 27 months later.
The left eyeball had now markedly enlarged and protruded, measuring 42 × 40 × 25mm in dimensions. The left eye and the left maxillary sinus was invaded by the tumor mass. Orbital exenteration and partial resection of the maxillary sinus was performed after a presurgical irradiation totalling 4, 650 rad.
The surgical specimen showed the anterior ocular segment to be markedly destroyed by the tumormass. The ocular cavity was filled by dark brownish solid mass. Microscopically, this tumor mass was composed of nests of small-sized round cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and scanty cytoplasm. These nests were scattered among spongy fibro-glial sup-portive tissue affected with necrosis, degeneration, hemorrhage and calcified foci. These findings were consistent with undifferentiated retinoblastoma. Tumor cells were seen in the degenerated fibrous tissue and were absent in the sclera. Nine months after surgery and at the age of 22, the patient is doing well without recurrence or metastasis.
Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.