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(3)網膜色素変性症(65歳,女性)の場合,ERGはnonrecordableであったが,いわゆる"dissociation phenomenon"として,赤色,緑色,青色の各閃光ERPは減弱を示すものの認められた.
The human monochromatic flash ERP (early receptor potential) was studied in patients with protanopia (12-year-old male), deuteranopia (6-year-old male), cone dystrophy (25-year-old female) and pigmentary retinal dystrophy (65-year-old female). Color filters used were : (1) a red Kodak Wratten filter No. 23A (transmission above 570 nm) for the red flash ERP ; (2) a green Wratten filter No. 57 (transmission from 460 to 620 nm with max-imum at 530 nm) for the green flash ERP; (3) a blue Wratten filter No. 47 (transmission from 380 to 520 nm with peak at 440 nm) for the blue flash ERP.The ERP amplitude was measured from the peak of the R1 to the peak of the R2.
A remarkable decrease in the amplitude of the red flash ERP was observed in the protanope, as compared with a normal control. No significant changes were obtained in either green or blue flash ERP amplitude.
A remarkable decrease in the amplitude of the green flash ERP was detected in the deuteranope, compared to normal. No significant changes were obtained in either red or blue flash ERP amplitude.
Markedly reduced ERP amplitudes were detected through the red, green and blue test flashes in the patient with cone dystrophy, as compared with a normal control. The ERG was nonrecordable in the patient with pigmentary retinal dystrophy. The red, green and blue flash ERPs were recordable as a "dissociation phenomenon", though their amplitudes were re-duced, compared to normal.
The findings thus indicate that the monochro matic flash ERP is of high clinical value in detec-ting functional deterioration of the cones at the level of the receptor outer segments.

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