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(4)病理組織学的検索の結果,(i)光顕的には典型的なFlexner-Wintersteinerロゼットも観察され,ロゼット形成傾向の強い網膜芽細胞腫と診断された。(ii)電顕的には網膜色素上皮細胞と腫瘍細胞との間にZonula adherens類似の接着装置が観察されたことより,本腫瘍の脈絡膜への浸潤形式の一つとして,まず腫瘍細胞がこのような接着様式をもとに網膜色素上皮細胞に定着し,ついで破壊するという新たな機構が推測された。
Gradually progressive leukocoria in the right eye since 3 months before led to the diagnosis of retinoblastoma in a 15-month-old girl. The tumor mass occupied the whole temporal half of the reti-na. The affected eye was enucicated and was subjected to histological and ultrastructural studies.
Histologically, the tumor mass consisted mainly of differentiated cells including, sporadically, typi-cal Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes. Electron micro-scopically, so-called zonula adherens-like attach-ments were seen between tumor cells and normal retinal pigment epithelial cells at the apical surface of the latter.

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