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非肉芽腫性炎症の代表例として,ベーチェット病8例の虹彩毛様体炎の発作期と寛解期における角膜内皮細胞の形態をspccular microscopeにより観察撮影した。また,両時期における角膜内皮細胞面積をコンピューター画像解析装置により測定し,角膜厚をHaag-Steit製Pachomeler(Mishi-ma-Hedbys' modification)により測定した。その結果は,
A morphometric study of the corneal endothe-lium was carried out in 8 patients with Behçet's disease. Photographs of the endothelial cells were taken with the use of specular microscopy during iridocyclitic attack and remission of the disease in order to examine the possible effects of the irido-eyelids on the corneal endothelium. The areas of individual celLs were measured using a computeriz-ed image analyzer. The cumulative frequency distribution of cell sizes appeared to be normal.There was no difference in the mean value and standard deviation of cell sizes between attack and remission.

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