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緒 言
急性後極部多巣性鱗状網膜色素上皮症acuteposterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy(以下APMPPEと略する)は1968年,Gass1)により命名された疾患であり,眼底後極部網膜深層に散在性の黄白色円形滲出斑を多発し,視力障害をきたすが,比較的短期間で軽快し,あとに永続する網膜色素上皮障害を残す。しかし視力予後は良い両眼性の疾患である。Gass1)は感染あるいは毒性因子による網膜色素上皮の急激な反応であろうと推察した。その後Ryan,Maumenee2)の報告によつて,本症の臨床的概念は一層明確となり,Gass1)の述べた疾患はほぼ確認された。
We observed two cases of acute posterior mul-tifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APN4P-PE). Both were females and were 32 and 41 years of age respectively.
The acute stage was characterized by the pre-sence of numerous and disseminated presence of yellowish-white spotty lesions located in the deeper layer of the posterior fundus. The condi-tion involved both eyes and was associated with minimum to moderate visual loss. The spotty lesions disappeared leaving slight derangement of the retinal pigment after 6 to 10 weeks. Their visual acuity recovered completely.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.