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また,近年,脈絡膜血管構築に関する実験的研究と螢光眼底撮影法により,脈絡膜血管の循環障害による眼底病変が注目されつつある。Amal-ric7〜9)は後毛様動脈の閉塞によつて起こる扇形の脈絡膜萎縮をtriangular syndromeとよび,Hayreh10,11)も実験的に類似した病変を確認している。さらにgeographic helicoid peripapillarychoroidopathy12)に代表される一連の地図状網脈絡膜萎縮をきたす疾患やacute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy13)などでも脈絡膜の血管障害との関連性が強調されている。
A 25-year-old male developed acute visual dis-turbances in both eyes. He had been suffering from cardiac insufficiency and secondary polycy-themia as complications of primary pulmonary hypertension.
Funduscopy during the active stage of the dis-ease revealed grayish-white edema of the retinal pigment epithelium and flat serous detachment of the posterior retina. Fluorescein angiography showed remarkable delays of arm-to-choroid, arm-to-retina and intraretinal circulation times.Early-phase angiograms showed multiple and large filling defects of choroidal fluorescence.

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