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この血管膜はにHenleよつて瞳孔膜Mem-brana pupillaris,嚢膜Membrana capsularis嚢瞳孔膜Membrana capsulopupillarisの三部に区分され,その起源は,中胚葉にあり,極めて菲い単葉の結合織性被膜とされているが,その発生説に就いては相反する点もある。
Membrana vasculosa lentis was described first by Henle in 1832, and has been considered to be present in the embryos in the early stage and disappear in late stage.
Six hundreds and thirty eyes of matured and prematured infants were studied, and Mem-brana pupillaris persistens was found in 198 eyes (31.43%) of the matured infants and in 12 eyes (100%) of the prematured infants. The degree and shape were various depending on the cases. As a rule, it was less frequently found in the matured infants than in the pre matured.

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