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網膜芽細胞腫(以下Rtb)は遺伝性の証明される数少ない悪性腫瘍の1つに数えられ,昨年の小児悪性新生物全国登録では白血病,脳腫瘍,神経芽細胞腫,悪性リンパ腫,ウィルムス腫瘍についで第6位にあり,また眼内悪性腫瘍中最も多いもので小児眼科領域では重要な位置を占める疾患である。そこでわれわれは1962年より1973年の12年間に当教室で扱つたRtb 41例55眼につき,発生,治療法,病理,予後,遺伝関係,体内体外環境について片眼性Rtbと両眼性Rtbとを比較検討した結果を報告し,その人類遺伝,癌病理学的意義について述べる。
The clinical and pathological features of 41 cases of retinoblastoma are analysed. All the cases were seen at the Department of Ophthal-mology, Juntendo University, during the 12-year period from 1962 to 1973.
There were 22 cases of less differentiated cell type, 16 cases being monocular, and 18 cases of well differentiated one, 9 cases being mono-cular. The less differentiated cell type occurred more frequently in monocular cases (64%) than in binocular ones (40%).
There was a higher mortality rate in less differentiated type (20%) than in well differen-tiated one (0%).

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