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要約 目的:適切な周産期治療と光凝固を受け,良好な経過をとった超低出生体重児の報告。症例:在胎24週で体重396gの女児が生まれた。呼吸を適度な低酸素状態で管理し,未熟児網膜症が国際分類zone 2,stage 3になった生後12週,修正36週の時点で半導体レーザーを用いてレーザー光凝固を行い,生後17か月後の現在まで経過は良好である。結論:適切な酸素投与と適切な時期での光凝固により,未熟児網膜症が進展せず,良好な経過が得られた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a baby who was born with very low birth weight and who showed a favorable course of retinopathy of prematurity. Case:A female baby was born weighing 396 g after gestation of 24 weeks. She was managed in a moderately hypoxic state and received diode laser photocoagulation when the retinopathy progressed to zone 2, stage 3. She has been doing well systemically and ophthalmologically for 17 months until present. Conclusion:Appropriate management of oxygen supply and photocoagulation resulted in favorable outcome regarding retinopathy of prematurity.
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