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要約 目的:ブリモニジン酒石酸塩点眼薬(ブリモニジン)の追加投与による眼圧下降効果と安全性の報告。対象と方法:点眼薬で眼圧下降不十分な原発開放隅角緑内障174例174眼を対象とし,ブリモニジンを追加投与した。投与前の使用薬剤が1剤,2剤,3剤以上の群に分けて投与後6か月までの眼圧,副作用を調査した。結果:眼圧は投与1,3,6か月後に有意に下降し,下降率は1か月後の各群で有意差がなかった。副作用は10.9%で出現し,そのうち6.3%で投与を中止した。眼圧下降不十分で2.9%が薬剤変更となった。結論:ブリモニジンの追加投与により6か月間にわたり眼圧は有意に下降し,副作用が約10%で出現した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the safety and ocular hypotensive effect of 0.1% brimonidine ophthalmic solution added to medication for glaucoma. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 174 eyes of 174 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. The series comprised 74 males and 98 females. The age averaged 65 years. Glaucoma had been treated by one medication in 22 cases, by two in 38 cases and by three or more in 114 eyes. The patients started additional instillation of 0.1% brimodinine twice daily. The intraocular pressure(IOP)averaged 17.0±3.7 mmHg before start of brimodinine. Results:IOP decreased significantly 1, 3 and 6 months after start of brimonidine. There was no difference in the rate of IOP decrease one month after start of brimonidine as related to the number of prior medication. Side effects developed in 19 eyes(10.9%)within 6 months after start of brimonidine, of which the instillation had to be discontinued in 11 eyes(6.3%). Ocular hypotensive effect was insufficient in 5 eyes(2.9%). Conclusion:Treatment with additional brimonidine resulted in significant decrease of IOP. Side effects developed in about 10% of eyes.

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