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要約 目的:加齢黄斑変性の脈絡膜新生血管部からの眼底自発蛍光の報告。症例と方法:加齢黄斑変性16眼を対象とした。男性10眼,女性6眼で,平均年齢は72歳である。15眼にラニビズマブ,1眼にベバシズマブと光線力学療法を行った。眼底自発蛍光はキャノンCX-1で記録した。結果:脈絡膜新生血管がある部位の自発蛍光は14眼で低下していた。光干渉断層計(OCT)で,網膜色素上皮を越えた脈絡膜新生血管が7眼にあり,うち6眼では脈絡膜新生血管が低自発蛍光の部位と一致した。6眼でのOCTで網膜色素上皮が不明瞭な部位にも,低自発蛍光がみられた。結論:脈絡膜新生血管の部位で自発蛍光が低下する原因は,新生血管そのものによる遮断と考えられるが,網膜色素上皮の障害も関与している。
Abstract. Purpose:To report fundus autofluorescence in eyes of age-related macular degeneration(AMD)with choroidal neovascular membrane(CNV). Cases and Method:This study was made on 16 eyes with AMD and CNV. The series comprised 10 male and 6 female eyes. The age averaged 72 years. Ranibizumab was used in 15 eyes. One eye received bevacizumab and photodynamic therapy. Fundus autofluorescence was recorded by a Canon CX-1 fundus camera. Results:Site of CNV corresponded with decreased fundus autofluorescence in 14 eyes. In 7 eyes,the extent of CNV was larger than that of retinal pigment epithelium(RPE)when seen by optical coherence tomography(OCT). The site of CNV was the same in 6 of these eyes when seen by OCT and fundus autofluorescence. Six eyes showed decreased fundus autofluorescence in areas with indistinct RPE as seen by OCT. Conclusion:Decreased fundus autofluorescence has been attributed to blocking by CNV but may also be due to impaired RPE.

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