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要約 目的:漿液性網膜剝離を伴う加齢黄斑変性の眼底自発蛍光所見の報告。対象と方法:ラニビズマブ単独治療を行った10例10眼を対象とした。年齢は59~76歳(平均67歳)で,全員初回治療である。眼底自発蛍光撮影にはキヤノン社製CX-1TMを用いた。結果:蛍光眼底造影では,全例occult CNVを示した。インドシアニングリーン蛍光造影では,漏出はなかった。眼底自発蛍光では,全例で顆粒状の弱い自発蛍光と近傍の強い自発蛍光がみられた。弱い自発蛍光の多くは,蛍光眼底造影のoccult CNV部に一致し,8眼で軽度枝状を示した。光干渉断層計では,全例でtype 1 CNVが推定された。結論:本症の眼底自発蛍光では,顆粒状の弱い自発蛍光と近傍の強い自発蛍光がみられ,弱い自発蛍光は軽度枝状を示す傾向がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report fundus autofluorescence in eyes of age-related macular degeneration(AMD)with serous retinal detachment. Cases and Method:This study was made on 10 eyes of AMD with serous retinal detachment. The series comprised 4 male and 6 female eyes. The age ranged from 59 to 76 years, average 67 years. All the eyes were treated by intravitreal ranibizumab. Fundus autofluorescence was recorded by Canon CX-1 fundus camera. Findings:All the eyes showed occult CNV with mild dye leakage in the late stage by fluorescein angiography. All the eyes showed granular hypoautofluorescence with hyperautofluorescence in the neighboring areas. Areas of hypoautofluorescence often corresponded to those of occult CNV by fluorescein angiography. Areas of hypofluorescence tended to merge with one another, resulting in highly branched pattern in 8 eyes. Optical coherence tomograph(OCT)showed findings suggestive of type 1 choroidal neovascular membrane in all the eyes. Conclusion:Eyes of AMD with serous retinal detachment shows granular hypoautofluorescence with hyperautofluorescence in neighboring areas. Areas of hypofluorescence show a tendency to merge with one another and may result in slightly branched pattern. They may correspond to areas of occult CNV.
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