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要約 目的:ポリープ状脈絡膜血管症のポリープ状病巣の眼底自発蛍光(FAF)の報告。対象と方法:初回発症の10例10眼を対象とした。年齢は71〜88歳(平均78歳)で,FAFにはキャノン社製CX-1TMを用いた。結果:IAでは,9眼で,ポリープ状病巣の過蛍光がみられ,1眼では,主病巣にポリープ状病巣が描出されなかった。FAFでは,全例でポリープ状病巣が描出され,中心が低蛍光で,その周囲が輪状過蛍光を示した。8眼で,中心の低蛍光部に枝状所見があった。初回IAでポリープ状病巣が描出されなかった例で,経過中に別のポリープ状病巣が出現し,FAFで描出された。結論:本症のポリープ状病巣のFAFでは,中心が低蛍光で周辺が輪状過蛍光であり,低蛍光部は枝状所見を示す傾向がある。ポリープ状病巣は,IAで映りにくい時期でも,FAFでは描出される可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report fundus autofluorescence in eyes of polypoidal vasculopathy(PCV). Cases and Method:This study was made on 10 eyes of 10 cases of PCV seen during the first onset. The series comprised 7 males and 3 females. The age ranged from 71 to 88 years, average 78 years. Intravitreal ranibizumab was used in 9 eyes, and aflibercept in one eye and additionally in 2 eyes. Fundus autofluorescence was recorded by Canon CX-1 fundus camera. Results:Infrared angiography showed hyperfluorescence corresponding to the polypoidal lesion in 9 eyes, and not in one eye. By fundus autofluorescence study, hypofluorescence was present in the center surrounded by a ring of hyperfluorescence in all the eyes. A branched pattern was present in the hypofluorescence in 8 eyes. In an eye, a polypoidal lesion appeared in an area that initially failed to show hyperfluorescence by indocyanine green angiography. Conclusion:By fundus autofluorescence study of PCV, hypofluorescence is present in the center surrounded by a ring of hyperfluorescence. The area of hypoautofluorescence often shows a branched pattern.
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