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要約 目的:著しい網膜の脱色素があり,発症から6年後にacute zonal occult outer retinopathy(AZOOR)と診断された症例の報告。症例:27歳女性が6年前からの右眼の光視症と視野異常で受診した。所見:裸眼視力は左右とも1.5で,右眼の乳頭から鼻側にかけて網膜色素変性に似た大きな病変があり,視野検査で盲点が拡大していた。左眼には異常はなかった。全視野網膜電図(ERG)では右眼に反応低下があり,多局所ERGでは視野欠損がある部位の反応が低下していた。前医への照会で視野異常が6年前にあり,眼底と蛍光眼底造影所見には異常がなかった。AZOORに起因する片眼性の網膜色素異常と診断した。結論:光視症と急性視野欠損で発症し,当初は眼底に異常がなくても,数年後に限局性の網膜色素異常が生じる症例では,AZOORである可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case with marked fundus depigmentation who was diagnosed with acute zonal occult outer retinopathy(AZOOR)six years after onset. Case:A 27-year-old female presented with photopsia and visual field defect in her right eye since 6 years before. Findings:Visual acuity was 1.5 in either eye. The right fundus showed an extensive depigmented lesion,simulating retinitis pigmentosa,extending from the disc to the nasal sector. Perimetry showed enlarged blind spot. The left eye was intact. Full-field electroretinogram(ERG)showed reduced response in general. Multifocal ERG showed reduced amplitude in the area corresponding to the visual field defect. The former ophthalmologist reported that similar visual field defect was present with normal fundus and fluorescein angiographic findings when the patient was seen six years before. We diagnosed her with AZOOR based on these findings. Conclusion:This case illustrates that AZOOR may manifest photopsia and visual field defect initially and may show localized fundus depigmentation years later.

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