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要約 目的:ベンザルコニウムを含まないトラボプロスト点眼薬と,ラタノプロスト点眼薬の眼圧と角膜上皮に対する効果の比較。対象:原発開放隅角緑内障に対して0.005%ラタノプロストを点眼中に点状表層角膜炎が生じた16例16眼を対象とした。男性5例,女性11例で,年齢は39~81歳(平均65歳)である。点眼薬を0.004%トラボプロスト1日1回に変更し,変更前と変更1か月後に眼圧を測定し,角膜上皮障害の程度をarea-density法で評価した。これら以外の緑内障点眼薬として,5例が1剤,6例が2剤を使用していた。結果:変更1か月後の眼圧は16.1±3.5mmHgで,変更前と有意差がなかった。角膜上皮障害は改善11眼(73%),不変3眼(20%),悪化1眼(7%)であった。結論:トラボプロスト点眼薬はラタノプロスト点眼薬と同等な眼圧下降作用があり,角膜上皮に対する安全性が高い。
Abstract. Purpose:To compare the effect of travoprost and latanoprost ophthalmic solution on the corneal epithelium. Cases and Method:This study was made on 16 eyes of 16 patients who developed superficial punctuate keratitis during treatment of glaucoma by 0.005% latanoprost. The series comprised 5 males and 11 females. The age ranged from 39 to 81 years,average 65 years. Latanoprost was switched to 0.004% travoprost ophthalmic solution. Intraocular pressure(IOP)and keratopathy were evaluated before and one month after switching. Five cases in the series were using one and six were using two glaucoma medications concomitantly. Results:IOP remained unchanged one month after switching. Keratopathy improved in 11 eyes(73%),remained unchanged in 3(20%)and worsened in one(7%). Conclusion:Travoprost ophthalmic solution showed hypotensive effect similar to latanoprost and appeared to be safer to the corneal epithelium.
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