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要約 目的:ブリンゾラミドまたはドルゾラミド1日3回点眼の効果の比較。対象と方法:ラタノプロストと1%ブリンゾラミドを1日2回点眼している原発開放隅角緑内障28例28眼を対象とした。ラタノプロストはそのまま継続し,15例ではブリンゾラミド点眼を1日2回から3回に増やし,13例ではブリンゾラミドを1%ドルゾラミド3回点眼に切り替え,3か月間の眼圧を測定した。結果:変更3か月後に,ブリンゾラミド点眼群では眼圧が平均1.2mmHg(p<0.0001),ドルゾラミド点眼群では1.2mmHg(p<0.01)下降した。結論:ラタノプロストとブリンゾラミドを1日2回点眼中の緑内障患者に対し,ブリンゾラミド点眼を1日3回に増量,またはドルゾラミド3回点眼に変更すると,より大きな眼圧下降が期待できる。
Abstract. Purpose:To compare the effect of topical brinzolamide and dorzolamide thrice daily. Cases and Method:This study was made on 28 eyes of 28 patients who had been receiving latanoprost and brinzolamide twice daily for primary open-angle glaucoma. In 15 patients,brinzolamide was increased from twice to thrice daily. In 13 patients,brinzolamide was switched to 1% dorzolamide thrice daily. Latanoprost was continued in both groups. Intraocular pressure(IOP)was monitored for 3 months after switching. Results:Three months after switching,IOP in 15 eyes receiving brinzolamide decreased by an average of 1.2 mmHg(p<0.0001). In 13 eyes receiving dorzolamide,IOP decreased by an average of 1.2 mmHg(p<0.01). Conclusion:Instillation of brinzolamide thrice daily or dorzolamide thrice daily has greater hypotensive effect for primary open-angle glaucoma than brinzolamide twice daily.
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