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要約 目的:病理組織学的に著しい強膜の肥厚があった後部強膜炎症例の報告。症例:66歳女性が2か月前からの左眼の眼痛と充血で受診した。既往歴として慢性関節リウマチがあった。所見と経過:矯正視力は左右とも1.2で,左眼に結膜と上強膜の充血があった。副腎皮質ステロイド薬の点眼と内服で軽快せず,2か月後に強い漿液性網膜剝離が発症した。CT検査で強膜肥厚があり,後部強膜炎と診断した。副腎皮質ステロイドのパルス療法を2回行ったが,初診から3年後に硝子体出血とルベオーシスが生じ,その18か月後に疼痛のため眼球が摘出された。摘出眼球には眼軸長の3分の1に及ぶ強膜の肥厚があり,病理学的に慢性肉芽腫性炎症と判定された。結論:強膜が著しく肥厚していた原因として,強膜炎が長期に持続し,組織の壊死と再生が繰り返していたことが推定される。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of posterior scleritis with markedly thickened sclera. Case:A 66-year-old female presented with pain and hyperemia in her left eye. She had a history of chronic rheumatoid arthritis. Findings and Clinical Course:Her corrected visual acuity was 1.2 in either eye. The left eye showed huperemia in the conjunctiva and episclera. She was treated by topical corticosteroid. Severe serous retinal detachment developed 2 months later. Computed tomography showed thickening of sclera leading to the diagnosis of posterior scleritis. Systemic corticosteroid proved futile and was followed by vitreous hemorrhage and rubeosis iridis 3 years later. The left eye had to be enucleated due to pain another 18 months later. The eyeball showed thickening of sclera amounting to one-third of visual axis. The eye was diagnosed with chronic granulomatous inflammation. Conclusion:The thickening of sclera is interpreted as due to longstanding scleritis with repeated necrosis and regeneration of affected tissue.

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