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要約 目的:眼内レンズの一次挿入を行った穿孔性眼外傷3例3眼の報告。症例:症例はすべて男性で,年齢は24歳,29歳,55歳であった。受傷の原因は,釘2眼,針金1眼で,受傷の当日または翌日に受診した。全例に角膜穿孔があり,水晶体前囊が破損し,外傷性白内障があった。1例では前房が消失していた。超音波検査で眼内に異常所見はなかった。受傷眼の矯正視力は,それぞれ0.03,0.5,0.5であった。全例に角膜縫合の後,水晶体乳化吸引術と眼内レンズ挿入術を行った。眼内レンズの度数は,2眼では受傷眼,1眼では非受傷眼の眼軸長と角膜曲率半径から算出した。結果:全例に術後感染はなかった。角膜抜糸後の最終視力は,それぞれ0.15,0.5,1.2であった。目標屈折度との誤差は,それぞれ-0.35D,+0.2D,+0.1Dであった。結論:後囊が温存されている穿孔性角膜外傷と白内障には,眼内レンズの一次挿入が安全かつ有効である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report three cases of pentrating corneal injury treated by primary insertion of intraocular lens(IOL). Cases:All were males aged 24,29 and 55 years respectively. The injury was caused by a flying nail in 2 cases and by a piece of steel wire in the other. They were seen by us on day 1 or 2 of injury. All had penetrating corneal injury,ruptured anterior capsule,and traumatic cataract. Echography showed no abnormal findings in the 3 eyes. Best corrected visual acuity in the injured eye was 0.03,0.5 and 0.5 respectively. The injured eye was treated by suture of corneal wound,phacoemulsification-aspiration,and IOL insertion. The power of IOL was calculated from data in the injured eye in 2 cases,and from those in the fellow eye in the other with extensive corneal wound. Results:There was no postoperative infection throughout. Final corrected visual acuity was 0.15,0.5 and 1.2. Deviation of refraction from the calculated value was -0.35D,+0.2D and +0.1D respectively. Conclusion:Primary IOL insertion can be safe and effective for penetrating corneal injury with intract posterior capsule.

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