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要約 目的:全層角膜移植を受けた眼に生じた眼外傷4例の報告。症例:4症例4眼の内訳は,男性1例,女性3眼で,年齢は52~81歳,平均71歳である。結果:全例に全層角膜移植の既往があり,鈍性外傷が受傷原因で,転倒による自傷が多かった。全例に角膜移植時の術創の離開があった。受傷後の視力は光覚弁2例,手動弁2例で,最終視力は光覚なし,光覚弁,0.03,0.4が各1例であった。非受傷眼の視力は,0.1が2眼,0.4と0.8が各1眼であった。結論:全層角膜移植を受けた患者は,低視力や視野障害が多く,眼球強度が脆弱化していることがあるので注意が望まれる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report 4 cases of ocular injury in eyes with past history of penetrating keratoplasty. Cases:The present series comprised one male and 3 females. The age ranged from 51 to 81 years, average 71 years. Findings:Blunt trauma was the cause of injury in all the cases. Falling down was mainly involved. All the eyes showed rupture along the previous corneal wound. Visual acuity after injury was no light perception in 2 eyes, and light perception in 2 eyes. Final visual acuity was no light perception, light perception, 0.03 and 0.4 in one eye each. Visual acuity in the fellow eye was 0.1 in 2 eyes, 0.4 and 0.8 in one eye each. Conclusion:Due precaution is needed after penetrating keratoplasty, as the patients often have impaired vision or visual field in addition to fragile eyeglobe.
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