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要約 目的:原因不明のぶどう膜炎に行った硝子体生検の結果に,硝子体灌流の有無が及ぼす影響の報告。対象と方法:過去6か月間に硝子体生検を行ったぶどう膜炎12例16眼を対象とした。男性11眼,女性5眼で,平均年齢は69±11歳である。まず無灌流の状態で,続いて灌流下で採取した検体を検索した。結果:IL-6値は,10眼で無灌流,6眼で還流下のほうが高値であった。IL-10値は4眼で検出できた。1眼で無灌流,3眼で還流下のほうが高値であった。IL-10/IL-6が算出できた4眼では,全例が1.0以上であった。病理細胞診の結果は,無灌流時と灌流時とで差がなかった。結論:ぶどう膜炎に対する硝子体生検の結果に,硝子体灌流の有無は影響しなかった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of vitreous biopsy for uveitis during vitrectomy with and without irrigation. Cases and Method:This study was made on 16 eyes of 12 cases who received vitreous biopsy during the past 6 months. The series comprised 11 male and 5 female eyes. The age averaged 69±11 years. Vitreous sample was obtained first without and later with irrigation. Findings:Level of IL-6 was higher in 10 eyes sampled without irrigation and was higher in 6 eyes with irrigation. Level of IL-10 could be evaluated in 4 eyes. It was higher in one sample obtained without and in 3 samples obtained with irrigation. Ratio of Il-10 and IL-6 was 1.0 or over in all the 4 eyes. There was no difference in the cytological diagnosis between samples obtained with and without irrigation. Conclusion:There was no difference in the outcome of vitreous biopsy obtained with and without irrigation.

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