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要約 48歳男性に両眼霧視と,全身,特に左下腿の痺れ感が生じ,内科を受診した。磁気共鳴画像検査(MRI)で,右視床外側と外側膝状体部に出血と浮腫が発見された。矯正視力は左右とも正常であった。ゴールドマン視野検査で,両眼の左上・左下部に扇型の視野沈下,いわゆる四重分画視野障害(quadruple sectoranopia)があった。3か月後に左下腿の知覚異常は消失し,その1か月後のMRI画像で出血巣は縮小していた。初診から9か月後に,視野はほとんど正常化した。本症例での四重分画視野障害は,前脈絡叢動脈で灌流される外側膝状体障害に続発したものと解釈された。
Abstract. A 48-year-old male developed bilateral blurring of vision and numbness in his left leg. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)showed hemorrhage in the lateral thalamus and lateral geniculate body. His corrected visual acuity was normal in either eye. Goldmann perimetry showed homonymous depressions in the upper and lower left sectors,or quadruple sectoranopia. Numbness in the leg disappeared 3months later,followed by decrease in size of hemorrhage seen by MRI. The visual field became almost normal 9months after his first visit. Quadruple sectoranopia in this patient was apparently caused by damage in the lateral geniculate body served by the anterior choroidal artery.

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