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背側視床にある外側膝状体は背側核と腹側核とに分けられる。背側核は網膜からの視覚情報を大脳皮質視覚領に伝送する中継所である。一方,腹側核は網膜情報のほか,前庭神経情報,小脳核出力などの多くの入力を受け,また,上丘,視蓋前域などの視覚中枢のほか,脳幹,視床非特殊核,視交叉上核などに投射線維を送り,一種の統合的な働きをするところと考えられている。一般に,視覚情報処理系は背側核を経由する"膝状体系(geniculate system)"と他の領域を経由する"膝状体外系(extrageniculate system)"とに二分されるが,こういう機能系の分類に従えば,腹側核は"膝状体外系"に属する。腹側核を含む膝状体外系の機能と形態に関しては,すでに小川によるいくつかの優れた綜説1,2)があるので参照されたい。また,視覚伝導系を"膝状体系"と"膝状体外系"とに二分することのさまざまな問題点は,川村3,4)によって明確に指摘されているので合わせて読まれたい。
We first reviewed recent studies on the functional differentiations of the retinal ganglion cells and of corresponding geniculate relay cells and their relation to the laminar segregation of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd). In some animals such as the cat, monkey and galago, the LGNd laminae are stratified with respect to Y, X and W cells or their homologue retinal inputs. A similar but less clear trend is found in the LGNds of the chipmunk and the rat. By contrast, in the tree shrew, mink and ferret, their laminae are stratified with respect to ON-center or OFF-center type retinal inputs. These laminar segregations of Y/X/W or ON-center/OFF-center cells are not, however, mutually exclusive in most animals. For example, indistinctly segregated distribution of ON- and OFF-center relay cells was noted within the laminae of the cat and in neighboring laminae of the monkey. On the other hand, certain laminae in the tree shrew and mink LGNds appear to be innervated mainly by W-like cells and others by Y-like or X-like cells, although physiological evidence is still lacking.

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