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要約 健常者46例92眼について,中心窩の深さと視力との関係を検索した。年齢は23歳から31歳,平均24歳である。屈折は+6Dから-13Dの範囲にあり,7眼を除き正視から-8Dの範囲にあった。屈折異常以外に眼科的に問題がある例と,2D以上の乱視眼はあらかじめ除外した。光干渉断層計(optical coherence tomograph:OCT)で中心窩を通る水平面で眼底を走査し,中心窩と傍中心窩の厚さの比を「中心窩の深さ」と定義した。視力はランドルト環で測定し,距離は5mに限定しなかった。裸眼視力は0.01から2.6の範囲,最良矯正視力は1眼を除き1.2から2.6の範囲にあった。近視の度数が強いほど中心窩が有意に深く(r=0.264,p=0.011),裸眼視力が不良であるほど中心窩が深かった(r=0.238,p=0.022)。中心窩の深さと矯正視力の間には有意な相関がなかった(r=0.007,p=0.950)。
Abstract. We evaluated the depression of the fovea as related to visual acuity in 92 eyes of 46 volunteers. Their age ranged from 23 to 31 years,average 24 years.The refraction ranged from+6 to-13 diopters in the whole series and from emmetropia to-8 diopters in 85 eyes. The fundus was scanned with an optical coherence tomograph(OCT)along the horizontal line running through the foveola. The foveal depression was defined as the ratio of the thickness of the fovea to that of parafovea as observed by OCT. The visual acuity was measured using Landolt rings at variable distances. The uncorrected visual acuity,which ranged from 0.01 to 2.6,was inversely correlated with the foveal depression(r=0.238,p=0.022). The degree of myopia was positively correlated with the foveal depression(r=0.264,p=0.011). The best corrected visual acuity,which ranged from 1.2 to 2.6 in all but one eye,showed no correlation with the foveal depression(r=0.007,p=0.950).

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