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要約 Shaken baby syndromeが疑われる2例を経験した。1例は生後7か月の男児で硬膜下血腫があり,両眼に網膜出血斑が散在している。他の1例は生後2か月の男児で硬膜下液貯留と硬膜下血腫があり,左眼に網膜出血斑と黄斑部色調不良,右眼に円孔に類似する赤色黄斑があった。これら黄斑部の異常所見はその後不明瞭化した。虐待や強い揺さぶりの既往を両親は否定したが,眼底所見と画像検査などからshaken baby syndromeが推定された。本症候群の診断とその後の再発を防ぐ上で,眼科医が果たす役割は大きい。
Abstract. We observed two cases of suspected shaken baby syndrome. One was a 7-month-old male infant with subdural hematoma and hemorrhagic patches in the retina in both eyes. The other was a 2-month-old male infant with fluid and hematoma in the subdural space. The right eye showed red macula simulating macular hole. The left eye showed retinal hemorrhage and discoloration in the macula. The macular abnormalities gradually disappeared in both cases. Although the parents denied abuse or intense shaking,shaken baby syndrome was suspected based on ocular findings and diagnostic imaging. These cases illustrate that ophthalmologists are expected to give correct diagnosis and to prevent recurrence of abuse in shaken baby syndrome.
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